Your Journey Begins Here...

You've decided to burn the boats. Start here.

Greetings, traveler, and welcome.

By joining BURN THE BOAT (BTB), you're in the company of like-minded leaders seeking excellence and striving for greatness.

If you haven't subscribed yet, do so here:

This isn't a newsletter for the feint of heart. This newsletter is what your grandfather or great-grandfather would have read before storming the beaches of Normandy. Think of this as the manual for the forgotten art of grit, getting your hands dirty, and doing hard things.

Over the following weeks and months, you will receive a weekly email recounting the lessons in initiative, principles of purpose, and tactics of transformation from the greatest among us. From Roosevelt, Churchill, Hannibal to modern paragons of antifragility to whom you will be introduced.

The format of each issue that you can expect is as follows:

  • Summary with the quote of the week

  • Question of the week and the previous week's results

  • Lesson

  • Connected Principles

  • Tactics to apply to your life

  • Book of the month with 1 of 4 key ideas and how it connects

  • A feature from the community that you should be following

This project aims to deliver you the most valuable content coming through your inbox. We hope we will play a small role in your journey to reach your ultimate realization.

If at any point you have questions or suggestions, feel free to reply with this email or reach out on Twitter.

With further delay, enjoy, and please review our archive of past editions.

Yours in camaraderie,

EJ White


or to participate.